

Governance Audits and Governance Reviews provide a valuable, candid, and well-documented assessment of your organization’s operational effectiveness, accompanied by recommendations for improvements.


Training & Coaching allows us to provide one-on-one education, process implementation, and skills development.


Certificate Programs are a compelling and practical way to build skills and increase engagement within your organization.


We frequently use Retreats as a way of disrupting an unproductive paradigm. Situating a group in a different environment and facilitating open communication leads to productive changes.

Board Veritas - Training Coaching Consulting - missing puzzle piece

Most board-led organizations are not reaching their potential.  This usually results from some kind of disconnect between their mission / vision, their strategies / specific plans, and their organizational structure.

Put simply, there’s a gap between what they want to be and what they are doing.

In some cases, there is not a dysfunctional gap, but rather a desire to move from “good” to “great.”  In most cases, however, we find that either governance, strategy, or communication that is poorly structured, interpersonal conflicts, or other dysfunctional factors are responsible for the organization’s failure to achieve their desired outcomes.

The BOARD VERITAS difference

Certainly, the Board Veritas team brings scientific best practices, experience-based strategies, and extensive skills to each engagement. What makes us unique is our ability to tactfully bring the things that often go unspoken to the surface.  Many organizations have extremely difficult underlying issues that – for reasons that may be political, cultural, or personal – remain buried and unaddressed.

Quite often, these are the issues that hold an organization back.  Our diverse and sophisticated team can help your organization productively and sensitively address such issues, and integrate related solutions into a new culture of performance and communication for your organization.

Some of the challenges we often help organizations address include:

  • Implicit bias
  • Disengaged board
  • Over-involved directors (can't let go)
  • Board behavior changes needed
  • Building trust: the Board-Staff partnership
  • From chaos to order
  • Organizational life-cycle alignment
  • Building capacity and shifting business model
  • Delegation of authority
  • Inexperienced leadership

Governance Audit & Review

Large, global or complex organizations have quite different governance needs than those of smaller ones.  Fortunately, BOARD VERITAS offers high-level comprehensive Governance Audit Services and less intensive Governance Review Services.

Training & Coaching

We’ll give you the tools to become more effective decision makers, leaders, and change agents.  Our team of consultants is equipped with the expertise, experience, and emotional IQ to produce results in even the most challenging board / organizational environments.

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Where assessment ends, action begins

Consultants are often regarded as having the role of identifying problems and opportunities, and then making recommendations to address them. In that scenario, the consultant’s job is then complete, and the organization is left to implement any solutions of their choosing on their own. When it comes to things like governance, quality of leadership, complex personal dynamics, and operational culture, most organizations are only going to able to make a very small amount of meaningful change without outside guidance.

For that majority of organizations who will need additional assistance to adopt and implement effectual practices, Board Veritas is available to concatenate our consulting with training and coaching. We can shepherd new procedures, approaches, benchmarks, and more to individuals and groups within your organization (ie. managers, directors, committees, the collective board) to ensure optimal, long-term integration. With sustained execution of strategies that were devised uniquely for your organization, and with the right people performing productively in appropriate roles by design, your organization will be positioned to achieve its greatest impact.

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In the beginning, we start at the end.

What matters most is the result – the culminating effect of your governance team’s effectiveness and your team’s culture.

We direct the directors.

We shape the shapers. We activate the activists. We serve the difference-makers and help them transcend mediocrity. We shun the status quo, because if you’re not rising, you’re sinking. You’re not getting ahead if you’re just getting by.

We change pretense to productivity.

We want you to stop going through the motions, and to start moving forward. We investigate the unasked questions, and identify the disparities between perceptions and realities.

Your organization flourishes only when leadership thrives.

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Value and Impact from Our Engagements:

  • We help you prosper
  • Improved performance of organization
  • Board becomes more efficient and effective
  • Improved ability of CEO to get value from board
  • Clarified expectations of both board and CEO
  • Cultural health of organization improves by doing the right thing
  • Growth in capacity (fundraising) through stronger relationships with funders
  • Improved stakeholder trust and relationships
  • Improved board recruitment
  • Better matched board members
  • Boost public image
  • Align the organization’s life cycle with work of the board and operational structure
  • Strengthen leadership